Six Productivity Principles for Career Development

Work smart not hard

Victor Babaniyi
8 min readNov 4, 2020
Photo by Zoe Holling on Unsplash

Everyone wants career satisfaction. But to achieve this, certain productivity principles must be followed. These principles have many benefits such as increased output, improved job performance, and higher earning power, among others.

If these principles form the building blocks of your professional life, your career development will be rapid.

Let’s get started.

1. Schedule Your Day

It’s easy to discover at the end of the day that you’ve achieved nothing of importance if you begin the day without a plan. Begin your day by making a list of the tasks you want to complete for the day.

Being realistic about your ability and efficiency will prevent you from creating a list of tasks that you cannot complete. To have a sense of how important my tasks for the day are, I use the Eisenhower Matrix to rate each task.

The Eisenhower Matrix is an efficient tool for time management. It helps you to prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance while sorting out less urgent and less important tasks.

The matrix consists of four categories:

1 (important and urgent tasks)

